Member since May 14, 2010
I'm a big fan of taylor lautner,trey songz,justin bieber
I wanna meet the twilight crew,trey songz,justin bieber,tito el banbido,and espinoza paz
Music: ke$ha,justin bieber,banda limon,banda el recodo,trey songz,tito el banbido. angel y kris,chris brown,lady gaga,espinoza paz, ..........and many more
Movies: transformers 2,blind side,and new moon,the uninvited,the unborn,comedy,scary and romantic
About Me: i'm alittle crazy sometimes but its boy crazy .im 13, my best friend is tiffany and liz..love 2 go 2 my home town miss my friends.im really fun to talk with my friends tell me all their secreats.i like two guy i call big daddy and big poppa=D