4everRockstar193 from hartford,ct ,where the drama appears but the parties open up 24/7

Member since May 30, 2010
I'm a big fan of justin beiber,culor pink, hottopic, girl store justice, fried chicken, cute clothes,and shoes, lime green,blue, my own style,miley cyrus, my own chioces,and more kan't tell.sshhhh!?EMO LOVER 4EVA HATA....
I wanna my carreer is to be a fashion designer
Music: care bears on fire, selena gomez, justin beiber,drake,beilieve in mee,jUSt danCE,kiesha,lady gaga,black eyed peas, AND MORe youll LUvE.
Movies: any kind dont care.da!!!!
About Me: i love to design clothes , funny ,waky, loves charity, cares bout people,hate RUDE PEEPS just wanna slap them N IF ma FAshIons areAMAzinG n U LIKe it pLZ vote LUz Ya!?
4everRockstar193's Designs
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