AbbyD123 from Sassland, USA. Yea it IS a real place, look it up!

Member since Dec 03, 2010
I'm a big fan of being the sassiest of them all! So deal with that, peoples! Also I just absotively, positutely looooooooove mustaches. :(D
I wanna make a mustache website!
Music: the plain white t`s, coldplay, lady gaga, nicki minaj, ke$ha, alicia keys, katy perry, LMFAO, bruno mars, train, owl city, black eyed peas, colbie callait, adele, the band perry, taylor swift, selena gomez, beyonce, and willow smith!
Movies: the emperor's new groove, megamind, despicable me, just go with it, up, toy story 1 2 3, 27 dresses, the lorax, kung fu panda, shrek 1 2 3 4, and lots more! shows: spongebob, icarly, victorious, the lying game, cupcake wars, and the big bang theory!
About Me: My name is Abby (Hippee) and i'm waaaaaaaaaaay to sassy for ya! My BFF's are Sprinkles (tosassyforya), Tay-Ha (jbstocker) & K-Dubb (kendal). Sass Out!