

Member since May 29, 2012
I'm a big fan of Jeffrees Star, BOTDF, Deuce, Hollywood Undead, Adam Lambert, Chris Crocker, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus,
I wanna be in a rock band; playing the guitar
Music: Jeffree star- Prom night; Chris Crocker- second to none; falling in reverse- my love is your drug; & some scremo bands like asking alexandria! my fav bands: three days grace, skrillex, bullet for my valentine, evanescene, linking park ect.....
Movies: Suicide room (im in love with thats movie!!), silent scream (scary), Dark shadows, uhh idk movies with gothic, emo ppl in it, romance, horror!
About Me: I'm Emo,I'm a girl, I always be sad for no reason, i guess cause of my mom (long story, but she didnt die, she just makes me feel bad for bein different) I'm 14, I'm onley happy with my friends are around. They make me happy real fast lol! I LOVE TO PARTY