AnimeBaby2245 from Youtube and the Internet :D

Member since Jul 02, 2012
I'm a big fan of Kuroshitsuji, Ouran, Vampire Knight, Yu-Gi-Oh, Hetalia, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Naruto, Death Note, Soul Eater, FMA, D-GrayMan, drawing, LoZ, Kingdom Hearts, Mario, being on the computer, watching Dane Cook &CRETURE FEATURE!
I wanna be an anime designer/writer.
Music: Vocaloid, UTAUloid, Nyan Cat, Soul Eater themes, Fruits Basket songs, Kuro songs, KH songs, VK songs, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Skillet, Skillrex, LoZ songs, Mario songs, TOBUSCUS SONGS, CREATURE FEATURE, Beca & PEWDIE SONGS OwO
Movies: Inuyasha movies, Naruto movies, Heart No Kuni No Alice, Peter Pan, Cinderella & Aladdin. ^3^
About Me: I'm a sweet, kind, funny, loyal, respectable and lovable friend. You can trust me. ^^ (I'm also a bit creepy too~)
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