BABYCAKES44 from In virginia and North Carolina

Member since Aug 10, 2012
I'm a big fan of Music, Michael Jackson, Selena Gomes, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattison, Josh Hutcherson, And Jennifer Lawrence
I wanna Be a very famous singer and songwriter. Because musc is my passion.
Music: -Soul -RnB -Rock -Jazz -Gospel -Country -RockPop - Dance
Movies: twilight new moon eclispe breaking dawn part1 breakin dawn part2 the hunger games texas killing fields meet the fockers remember the titans radio rebel
About Me: I come from a small island that many people don't know, I come from the island of Samoa. I love being from a island some people don't know of because it makes me different. But I am not all Samoan I am also Portirican. I love music sports. BABYCAKEZ44 OUT
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