BlackskeleyPlush from Boston

Member since Aug 23, 2011
I'm a big fan of EvanScense,Selena Gomez, Jaden Smith,Katty perry,chris brown,rihanna,Nicki Minaj,Drake,
I wanna Become the best singer ever
Music: Selena Gomez, Jaden Smith, Katy Perry,Chris Brown,Rihanna,Nicki Minaj,Drake,Trey songs,Evanscence, lil wanye,Beyonce,Jay-Z, Kanye West,Etc
Movies: scream 4, Final Destination 1 2 3 4 and 5, Rango, Twillight, New Moon, Eclispe, Breaking dawn, 17 again, The Ring, invader zim, bleach, Vampire Diaries, True Blood,Care Bears,the lovely bones, the blind side,south park,Family Guy,Tosh.O,1,000 ways to die
About Me: The Clique, Confessions of a shopaholic, Harry Potter Series,, Bring it on, Twilight, Avatar, Sherlock Holmes, Grown Ups, Salt, Inception, Step Up 3D, The Adjustment Bureau, Soul Surfer,Insidious, The Exoricist, The Ring, Men In Black I II & II
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