BloomBrick101 from Illinois

Member since Dec 21, 2012
I'm a big fan of Britney Spears, Katy Perry, One Direction, Lady Gaga, Serendipity, Leona Lewis, Avril Lavigne . . .
I wanna Have superpowers, have super long hair, meet famous people, be rich$$$
Music: Pop and Rock
Movies: Powerpuff girls, Titanic, The Odd Life of Timothy Green, Anime, Teen titans
About Me: I love the PPGs and RRBs and Mlp: Fim. I draw manga, I love to draw anything actually ^-^ I make comics of RRBs, I'm on the internet almost all the time, I play fantage and poptropica, and I'm known as nice, funny, and sometimes annoying. I have very lon
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