CHiKaRiD3R101 from Mexico, Mexicali

Member since Sep 09, 2011
I'm a big fan of Alex Rider, he's the best book character you could ever find(in my opinion). I like to watch Anime too! I don't read as much Manga coz, well I'm not a big reader. I like to find web sites where you can write fan fiction. So if you have any recommendations
I wanna Eat sweets! I'm the biggest sugar eater in the whole wide world! Yeah, it may seems childish, but I just LUV candy! So, i'm a pretty hyper teen ;P Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you, But the roses are wilting,
Music: I like to listen to many things. So I'm very addicted to Vocaloids. And i like The Band Perry's song called 'If I Die Young'. I like rock musik too. My fave rock song is called 'Highway to Hell' by ACDC. I'm absolutely NOT a fan of Justin Bieber, I'm not
Movies: My fave movie is called 'Limitless' ,though I don't remember who directed it. I liked it! I wish there was that type of pill that would make you faster, better, and stronger. Then I wouldn't need to go to school! Yeah, I'm a big school hater.
About Me: So! I'm a teenager(not telling you my actual age). And I'm part Mexican part American. I have lived in USA for a while, but now I'm back here in Mexico. I'm a very hyper teen, coz I'm awesome like that. So, if you're interested on the books I read, then h
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