CapnZeke from Narnia/mood:livin la vida facil/status: now open /pic:sickandtired

Member since Mar 03, 2012
I'm a big fan of you bby,aha drawing,being a phuckin dork!neooncoloors, laughing,anime,manga,black,stripes,smiling and a whole shit load more! Cal(best roomie ever)
I wanna fluck with the stars
Music: rock,electronica,grunge,punk,indie,alternative,dubstep,anything like that. yapickinupwhatzeke'sputtindown? ;P SOTD: Gold Rushed, The Royal Concept
About Me: yo ho~! i'm Zacariah. but i go by Zeke pronounced Zeh-key. im 18. im pretty frikin awesome if i do say so myself. hehe well add me? kay bbz?alrighty then...*rolls away and bumps into wall* owie *waddles away*