ChrisDamon from MuMzz VaGiNa .. poor thing:\ [[ mood: sad :( eric gone again... [[ status: the day were youtube, twitter, and facebook combined becum youtwitface...![Online or not](/images/0.gif)
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Member since Jan 15, 2012
I'm a big fan of My AbZz_ My PeNiS_ My HaiR_ My BoYZz_ TaCoZz_ DrUgZz_ SmOkiN_ SeX_ My BrOZz →XPLAYBOY69 & AidenChris_ My ChiKZz_ TxTiN_ CaNdY ^.^ _ My BeStiEs_ My LiFe..
I wanna FuK Ur MuThA_ RaPe U_ TaKe DrUgZz_ HuMpiN LeGZz_ BeeT U Up_ Sh00T Ur HeD Off_ HiT tHe BlOKZz WiD My LaDiEs_ PaRtY All DaY * All NyT_ HaRdCoRe WeT_ DrUnK AnD St0Ne_ GuNZz LoAdEd_ CriMe KiL_ ShiT JuSt GoT ReAL ...
Music: EvrYthIng ExcEpT 4 Ur VoiCe_ I PlAy DrUmZz AnD BaSS GuiTaR_ I G0 SuRfiNg, BoXiN, SkAtiN AnD TeNiS_
Movies: Yó AcE My WhOle LiFe I HiT ThE DaM StReeTss PoKeT SaGiN WiD MuNeY GuN LoAdeD CuM JoiN Yó CheK DiS ShiT Out_ LeTs PaRtY Ad Mii If U GoT A LiFe U KnO? ▼▲▼▲
About Me: Yô MuDDaFuKaZz Chis HeRe AgE 19 ♪♪ _ I LiV In AuStRaLiA_ My BrOZz → AidenChris & XPLAYBOY69_ My SiS → acefire_ MeSs WiD TheM AnD Ur EnTeRiN A WoRlD Of PaiN_ YaH I GoT CriMiNaL ReCoRdZz N GeT DrUnK All TyM So iF U GoT PrOb IDGAF. bye..
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