Cookie1603 from New York, or Arizona, and europe, and etc

Member since Jan 30, 2012
I'm a big fan of Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Justin Beebier, Katy Perry, Danna Paola, Taylor Swift, and much much more, Keanu Reeves, etc
I wanna Make my dreams come true and be happy.I want to go to Disney land and Disney World
Music: Country, Mexican, hip pop, Rock, etc
Movies: Beastly, Foot Loose, Taxi, Tuck Ever Lasting, Twilight,Bee movie, Transformers,Titanik, Posiden,Sleep over, Mean Girls,ALLLLLLL TWILIGHT MOVIES!!! , BLADES OF GLORYYYYY, E.T.C till infinity
About Me: I wanna get to be an Astronomer and go around the world. I want my dreams to come true. I want to be VERY VERY VERY RICH, so that I can have what I want and help other who need it. I still have more to dicover.
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