DeathBecomesHer from Requiem, Halo. <3 

Member since Dec 23, 2010
I'm a big fan of JAPAN~!!!!!!!!, Rachel my twin sister <3, Dahvie the most important friend too me <3 Gothic art, gothic things, Halo, Japanese culture, Minase Misara, Miura Yuu, Tochihara Rakuto, Fujita Rei.
I wanna Lots really so theres no real reason as too put it all down :] Itll just bore you c:
Music: Gothic/Heavy/Death Metal and Visual Kei <3
Movies: Scary and Anime/Japanese Dramas <3
About Me: Heyyaz. I'm also vampgirl4ever. Yep. Me lovies vampires ^^ I didn't realize "DeathBecomes Her" is also a movie?Heh.I'm witty, sarcastic,...evil >.< Hehe. I LOVE helping out people ALOT. Its my thing :]♥ Add me? Id love too make friends <3
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