DontBleedForMe from Candyland, Texas! status-hes so sweet<3

Member since Aug 14, 2012
I'm a big fan of Music, Sage (BRO), Cam (BRO), drawing, leopards, dancing, reading, writing, singing, making people think I'm happy when I'm not, jeans, chains, CHEERIOS(thanks Sage for getting me hooked), Sunsets, poetry, sarcasm,
I wanna Marry a turtle^__^
Music: Botdf, the devil wears Prada, Pierce the veil, black veil brides, bowling for soup, Tears will Fall, Enigma, Falling in reverse, escape the fate, papa Roach, Alex Clare, The Black Keys, Linking Park, Green Day, Simple Plan.
Movies: The boy in the striped pajamas, where the wild things are, Martian boy.
About Me: Hey, I'm Serene, I'm 16, and I'm extremely awkward, I tend to studder alot,and I'm very shy. I'm single, don't know if anyone actually'd date me, I love snakes, I want to stop being such an awkward person. Anyway, hmu if ya want!<3
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