

Member since May 28, 2010
I'm a big fan of hayley willims, audrey kitching kiki kannibal hannabeth oliver sykes mitch lucker sean malto andrew glates ashlee lauren becky lou fillip brittany kramer dakota rose jac vanek jefree star laren wk lindy fu mosh raquel reed sharon tk so
I wanna look like one of the scene queens , who trash around and acts like fvckinq hell yea :D
Movies: HORROR MOViES :3
About Me: Ima Half Psycho Zombie Lade Seems So Massively Gross damn :PP This Is What Ive Learned In My Life Headbanqinq Is Crucial Growinq Up Is Hard To Do Theres Nothinq Wronq W/ Wearinq a Dress :D LMFAO Lets Make A Scene :DD
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