Fashion Obzesser
Fashion Obzesser from Greenback Tennessee

Member since Jun 02, 2010
I'm a big fan of One Direction!<3
I wanna go to cosmetology school in London, meet a vampire, get a pet monkey
Music: Favorite Bands: Falling In Reverse,Paramore, Bullet For My Valentine, A Day To Remember, Eatmewhileimhot, Fall Out Boy, A Hero Remains, Hollywood Undead, Panic! At The Disco, Owl City, One Direction, A Time To Forget, The Wanted, Neon Trees, and New Found
Movies: 13 going on 30, White Chicks, and Matilda, Twighlight Saga{Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn}, Uninvited,Final Destinantion Series, and my new personal favorite Alice in Wonderland
About Me: i love fashion and whatever but im also a tonboy. make up and clothes are all me four whellers cars and swimming are my specialties, My favorite animal is a monkey, and my second fave animal is a dog, and my fave color is blue, im a total Scene Kid, SUPER
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