Gagaglamin12 from ?????????? secret loc@tion 

Member since May 01, 2010
I'm a big fan of Demi lovato, rubber duckies :), all-star converse, ROBERT PATTINSON, The twilight saga and hugs :D xxx
I wanna Be a fashion designer and an actress or mabye a writer
Music: Demi lovato dont forget, noisettets never forget and umm florece and the machine loads of people really
Movies: bride wars, new moon, scary movie 1 and 2 all funny movies xx
About Me: I am from???? and i support manchester united :D im 12 years old and have 3 cats and a tortoise called bobble i have 2 bros and no sister i have 6 bff's and my boyfriend is called tom and here are 6 words my friends describe me as: funny,cute,wierd,bubb
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