Galaxygirl from Buckhead,Georgia the 10th mansion you'll see once u get off the highway

Member since Jun 10, 2010
I'm a big fan of Mileycyrus,Selena Gomez,Me,Jonas Bros, Radio Head, The Beetles, Me again, shakira, mariah Carey, Avatar the last airbender, Family guy, And manyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy other people that i dont time to write
I wanna Go to Paris the 2nd fashion capital of the world go to New york again the 1st fashion capital of the world, i live in my Manshion for the next 13 years of my life then my parents will buy me one of my own for me my hubby and my two kids, own my own privat
Music: I am just going to name styles, Hip-hop, rock, heavymetal, japanese, poetry, R&B, jazz,
About Me: i am 11 years old i live in a mansion i am a tomboy and have one half brother that is going to turn 2 in July i was the smartest, brightest, nicest,politest, funniest, most popular, richest girl in the whole fifth grade. i have a dog named corleon i am g
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