GoatxFace from Somewhere In Canada ? O.o | SOTM:Unchained : BOTDF <3 ^-^ | Omg , piercings (*-*) <33 | Pic : These guys are so mean they left me in the back xD love u guys cx ♥ 

Member since Mar 09, 2013
I'm a big fan of Gabbie . Betty. Nick.Jay xD. Lily -she has swag ♦ x)-
Music: BOTDF <3333 Luv em' 2 death ^-^ ; BVB ; La Dispute ; F.I.R ; Etc . -- LOTM : "I'll hold u again i'll bring light back into those eyes no matter how far underneath ur body lies."
About Me: Names Randy c: I'm seventeen . S.O. to My cheating buddy et love yous♥c: . Idgaf wht u think about me. If i txt u , dont take 10 yrs 2 reply . Im nice n stuff . #Hmu ? c;