ICh00seN3m0 from status: list3n l3t m3 t3ll y0u s0m3thing... sotm: enigma return to innocence piccation: lovin the ramones

Member since Sep 15, 2012
I'm a big fan of D3grassi(l0l I'm an idi0t), gummy b3ars!, anim3, kitties, wolv3s, bl33hhh bass guitar, g00d m0vi3s, n0t the shitty kind ab0ut w3r3wolv3s n vampir3s, nam3s that are als0 typ3s 0f natur3, abs<3, tea!, kellan Quinn
I wanna Ya.....I kn0w..I'm n0t b3autiful lik3 s0m3 girls....n I kn0w I'm n0t what y0ur l00king f0r....but y0u turn3d m3 h3ad 0v3r h33ls n I want y0u t0 s33 that I will always....n0 matt3r what...wait f0r y0u t00 l0v3 m3 back...
Music: Ummmmmmm al0t 0f music. Ahaha d0nt flip if I call y0u babee its a t0tal habit 0f min3. 0h n I'm pr3tty g00d with fixing bik3s n0 matt3r h0w b0ring it is (b3tcha y0u can't mak3 m3 blush;) this may sound odd but idk about my sexuality...
Movies: R3d3mpti0n, the t0wn, d3grassi g03s H0llyw00d(idi0t!)
About Me: H3yyy!!!! I'm Anita! I'm a pr3tty stupid p3rson but wh0 car3s? Anywayy Im singl3 and I'm l00king.... I appar3ntly hav3 an0r3xia n3rv0sa... I'm straight forward and down to earth I'm big 0n sharks and I lov3 m33ting n3w p30ple if their d3c3nt.
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