ILoveInyuasha from I live in your underwear drawer.

Member since Jul 28, 2012
I'm a big fan of I love My Chem,Ke$ha,The Ramones,Nofx,and Of Monsters and Men... Those are all Bands.. My favorite actor is Jonny Depp and that is coming from a weird person.. My favorite actress is Dakota Fanning. I <3 Inuyasha. <---I have a huge crush on him..lol
I wanna I want live in Canada,and have a waffle store called, "Go W!"
Music: Music...lol I said basicly what I liked up there.. ^ But I have a way bigger list and here it goes.. T.v on the radio,Ke$sha,Kill switch engage,Motzart,Gotye,Dance Gavin Dance,and many more If you are wondering what else I like message me or something..
Movies: My Favorite Movie Ever Is Buddy The Elf. I like the Inuyasha movies also.
About Me: I love Inuyasha,music,writing,drawing and many more things that I will later on list! Thanks so much! I <3 Pokemon!
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