ILuvOneDirection4000 from NYC.

Member since Oct 02, 2012
I'm a big fan of One Direction_ Justin Beiber (my baby)_BTR_Taylor Swift_ Ariana Grande_ Katy Perry_Cheryl Lloyd_XFactorUK_Demi Lavato
I wanna Hang with 1D, meet Ariana Grande, jump off a building, go to a Ariana Grande and 1D colllaboration concert, meet Katy Perry, ride a camel across the world, Meet Cheryl Lloyd, make Demi Lavao&Niall Horan 2gether, etc.
Music: All 1D songs_some BTR songs_most JB songs_some Taylor Swift songs_Ariana G: Put your hearts up, her mix of ABC123, and her mix of Rolling in the deep_most Katy P songs_Cheryl Lloyd:I want u Back & her mix of Turn My Swag On.
Movies: Hunger Games_all Harry Potter movies_Terminator 2: Judgement Day_Crimson Tide_Where the Heart is_Andre_that's pretty much it....i'm not in to movies.
About Me: UPDATE: WE AHVE A SITUATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PARENT TEACHER CONFRENCE IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stop thinking about all the things he'll say! And on top of all of that: MY HAIR LOOKS DISGUSTING TODAY!!!!!!!!!
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