JadaBear from none of your bussiness

Member since Jul 03, 2010
I'm a big fan of Jonas Brothers,Miley cyrus,Justin Bieber,Chris Brown,Rihanna,Akon,Katy Perry,Kesha,Tyler Perry,Bruno Mars,Travis Mcoy,Taylor Swift,Miranda,Beyonce,
I wanna Have a great boyfreind,become a singer,Met Selena Gomaz,
Music: Everybody i named befor
Movies: Avatar,Bebe Kids,Karate kids,Dead or Alive,Madea Goes 2 Jail,I can do bad all by myself,Sydney White,Shark tale,Bring it on movies,Beauty shop,John tucker must die,Spider man 3,Iron man 2
About Me: My name is jada.Im the bomb like tick tick.Im am 13 loving it .Im can be the nicest person u well ever meet just dont get on my bad side.I have the best familey int the world im black and proud.