

Member since May 25, 2013
I'm a big fan of Fashion, late night phone calls, Falling in love, big hugs, helping people with their problem, being #AwkwardlyBeautiful and saying #GrrBananas
I wanna Criminologist & Forensic physchologist
Music: Hip Hop, R&B, Rock, Pop,
Movies: Love&Basketball, Pretty Woman, Titanic, Mrs. Winterbourn, Memoirs of a Geisha, Sabrina, Harry Potter all of them And Twilight all of them.many more ( Im in a Romantic Mood)
About Me: Being prefect is so over reated, but when that one guy wake up and realizes that your the prefect one for him. Then i can changed the mind! / Sophomore 16, Singer Songwriter, #AwkwardlyBeautiful #GrrBananas #Aquarius Add Me Follow
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