Jesssieh from Earth. 

Member since Jan 22, 2012
I'm a big fan of Food. Drums. Music. Shtuff.
I wanna Travel the world. Get a Husky. Meet Kellin Quinn. Live in England.
Music: Skylight Drive, Cannibal Corpse. Miss May I. Attack Attack.!, Sleeping With Sirens. Of Mice & Men. Abandon All Ships. The Wombats. BOTDF. This Romantic Tragedy. Suicide Silence. Asking Alexandria. The Summer Set. Dance Gavin Dance. Simple Plan.
Movies: The Hangover, Puss In Boots. IT. Halloween. Zombie Land. Dawn Of The Dead. 28 Days. Cinderella. Law Abiding Citizen. 300.
About Me: I'm Jessie. I'm 14 and 3 quarters as of February. I'm not mature. I still act like a 5 yr old. But I do have my mature moments. I have a few bestfriends, mainly cause you can't trust anymore these days. Yesh I'm a girl -.-. K. Bye (:. Add. Message.