JillianJigsaw from A House, In A Town, In A County, In A State, In A Country, On The World, In a Galaxy, In The Universe.

Member since Jun 08, 2010
I'm a big fan of An Cafe, Anime, God, Marvel, The Bible Bowl, VBS, Manga, Reading, Singing, Scene Syle, Decora Style, Cosplay, Dancing & Swimming.
I wanna Go to an Art College, Be a Manga-Ka, Meet Vic Mignogna, Read 100 Books (After That 100 More), Go Back To MTAC & Be A Profesional Photographer.
Music: Hellogoodbye, Owl city, Paramore, Nickasaur!, Evanescence, Nevershoutnever, Mayday Parade, Anime music, Amy can flyy, Bon Jovi, Bowling for soup, Natasha Bedingfield, Three days grace, 30 Sewconds to mars, Fall out boy, My chemical romance, Tokio Hotel.
Movies: The Grudge 1-3, Harry Potter 1-6, Alice In Wonderland (all of them), sweeny todd, remember the titans, Edward Scissor Hands, i am legend & the blind side!
About Me: Im a christian Girl and have been for 2 years, ive also been homeschooled my whole life and have no CLUE what its like to go to real school. also if you want to know what anime i like, just ask! ^^
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