JusListenMusic from Finland : /

Member since Jun 14, 2010
I'm a big fan of Jared Leto : DD i love him <3<3
I wanna be photographer
Music: jojo (shinee), far away (nickelback), hurricane (30stm), seoul song (suju), paparazzi (lady gaga), just dance (lady gaga), dirty dancing (new kids on the block), eenie meenie (justin bieber), elton john and queen :D,
Movies: all horror and good comedy movies :3 and ofc, i love moulin rouge <3<3<3
About Me: Love music and taking pics : D Im 15 years old and girl from Finland. my b day is on 27th February, same day as Nancy Spungen O.o love: my cat :3, music, neon colors, horror movies : DD, anime and manga, cosplay, photography, dance, school uniforms
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