KasumiCari from :P In the Anime Paradise

Member since Jun 01, 2012
I'm a big fan of Vocaloid, Anime, 2Kgames, and Yaoi, Soul Eater, Death Note, Rosario + Vampire, K-on, Ouran Host Club, Kuroshitsuji, Elfin Lied, Pandora Hearts,Black Rock Shooter, Birdy The Mighty, blood+, Okane Ga Nai, Fruist Basket, Clanned, Vampire Night, Tokyo Mew Mew
I wanna Be a video game designer, an anime artist, and a violinist
Music: Rock, Metal, Japanese, Korean, sorta pop. Three Days Grace, Evanescene, Seether, Flyleaf, Fireflight, Natalia Kills, Lady Gaga, Vocaloid, Adam Lambert, apocalyptica,Skrillex, Florance and Machine, Breaking Benjamin,etc.
Movies: Sucker Punch, Pirates of The Carribean, Paranomal 1 2 3, Devil Inside, Cabin in The woods, SAW series, The Avengers, etc.
About Me: I LOVE ANIME, as you can see, i love making new friends but im kinda shy, I <3 RP, and im think/know im emo, I love LOLITA, and if you wanna know more you can be my friend and yea my favorite color is green, AND MY FACEBOOK is Carly Irving with Aku Yamine
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