KeepItUgly from Dublin | mood:bleh | rs: forever alonee | pic: ocean eyes

Member since Dec 23, 2012
I'm a big fan of the allen and craig show,music, john green,starkid,bleach,death note,avatar the last airbender, square enix,doctor who, harry potter, sherlock, supernatural, batman,bow ties, bowler hats, suspenders, cartoon network, and so much more~
I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna touch you ,You wanna touch me too ♪♬ im sorry that wasn't appropriate
Music: ♪♫♬alternative, rock, electronic,folk, indie, k-pop, power pop, trip hop, punk,screamo, nu metal,acoustic, jazz, etc.♪♫♬ Sotd: Automatonic Electronic Harmonics, Steam Powered Giraffe
Movies: i haven't got the slightest bit of time or patience for all that thinkin and typin
About Me: hiya! the name's River! im an irish ginger boy with a lot of ideas. i play melodica, bass guitar, and ukelele. im 10 in an 18 year old body but i aint gonna take ya shit. add me it'll be fun! stay beautiful, keep it ugly <3
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