Khadijah411 from I live on the East side of Chicago

Member since Jun 30, 2010
I'm a big fan of Alicia Keys, Black Eyed Peas, Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber, Chris Brown, Keisha Cole, Monica, and Nickleback
I wanna be a veterinarian when I grow up. Have 3 children. Run my own Animal Hospital. Go to 6 Flags again.
Music: Hip-Hop, R&B, Classic, Rock, and Country
Movies: John Hancok, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Game Plan, Marley & Me, and I am legend
About Me: 5 foot 1. Sandy brown hair. Light brown eyes. Caramel skin. Small lips. Fashionably style. Shiny lip-gloss. And a whole lotta attitude!!!!!
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