KoriWontBeLoved from A metallic green bubble on your roof^.^ piccaption: admit it you love my face;)

Member since Sep 02, 2012
I'm a big fan of Skateboards, bunnies!, camouflage, alcohol, pyschos, freakslikeme, sour stuff, lollipops (too all the freaks, I'm talking about the candy), music, falling, getting bad songs stuck in your head, Meghan, Chaos, Avril (amazing girl)
I wanna Kiss you^.^ (kissesyouall), eat a person Meghan-you freak!!, meet the Cooke monster, die of laughter (surprised it hasn't already happened)
Music: I'm too lazy too type all this!>―<
Movies: All except romance>.<
About Me: Ello! Captain Kori reporting for duty! :D I'm a pretty hyper fellow. Umm my friends think I'm too smart. But I'm not really>―< I love being happy! :D Uhh. I wanna be an FBI agent in ten years or so. (Only 16 now) well hit me up!!
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