LalalaHI12 from Somwhre Out Here.

Member since Mar 25, 2012
I'm a big fan of Nature, Art, Science, Life, You. (: <333 Oh, and Asians. ;)
I wanna go on an adventure, adopt a panda, change the world.
Music: Taylor Swift, Harry Styles,One Direction, Nirvana, Boys Like Girls, Mayday Parade, Alicia Keys, Jay Z, Drake, Beyonce, We The Kings, Coldplay, Christina Perri, Bon Iver, Sleeping with Sirens, Paramore, Never Shout Never, The Beatles...just to name a few..
Movies: I have A LOT! ...and I'm not good at naming things.
About Me: Helllo there. I'm really lazy, so byee! (: I. like. pandas....and koala bears...and penguins, and DOLPHINS! loll. I'm friendly. I'm an American Brit who adores Brits. Hehe. <3
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