Laurenator19 from England

Member since Mar 15, 2012
I'm a big fan of Sherlock, Doctor Who, Merlin, The Big Bang, How I Met Your Mother, Indian & Chinese takeaways, iphones, photography, music, mature cheese, dairy milk, poetry, baking, monopoly, July, Martin Freeman, Benedict Cumberbatch, Potter Puppet Pals and Wizards of
I wanna meet Martin Freeman, go to Germany, Australia & London go to a real concert (!) and a lot more stuff that I can't be arsed to put here.
Music: Laura Marling, Stone Roses, Friendly Fires, My Chemical Romance, Scissor Sisters, Miley Cyrus
Movies: Avatar, Atonement, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, Sherlock Holmes (both films),
About Me: British. Hiddlestoned, Whovian, Cumberbitch, Merliknight. I'm a shy black haired girl with low confidence and many dreams, most of which i probably won't achieve. Say hello if you like.
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