LooserXD from POPSICLE LAND!<3 I love popsicles ;D Status-Single What am i doing? Hiding in my closet waiting for you to find me!! =] ......Waiting for someone to come hold me in their armss </3... :} MY BIRTHDAY IS APRIL 10TH DONT FORGET!

Member since Jul 03, 2010
I'm a big fan of Skating.... Scene.... Whatever you may think thats me.. =B OH! And almost forgot about tight ripped skinny jeans <33 And Converse :D My like 5 friends.. Well friends to me i guess.. EMOPUP13.. JustinBiteChuu... scenedudee94, SexyChinese, and crazy-emo-dud
I wanna Stay an idiot, and stay HYPER <3
Music: I really dont care what kinda music listen tew... JUST NOT COUNTRY!! Blood On The Dance Floor, BlackVeilBrides... Stuff like that :D
Movies: Funny. xD Scary :X Sad :( ROmantic <3 and moree :D!
About Me: My name is Ruthe...Call me Ruthie... Or Ruthe.. Duh :D <3 I AM 16 :D I am single.. But trust me I can be a real Bitch :D Im only a Bitch when im fussy, or something happened...MY BIRTHDAY IS APRIL 10TH DONT FORGET =]