

LoseYourself from CharlesTown, England
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2 My Points
Member since Nov 06, 2012
I'm a big fan of One Direction The Fray (<<<most ) (Husband: Niall Horan)
I wanna Be a singer (reason: I have been singing since I was little girl(3 years.). Music is the one that really speaks to me.
Music: Look after You (<<<<most favorite) Most Fray songs actually. Any Song you actually think of , you name it.
Movies: Name It (Maybe some I've seen some not, NO mental issues everybody!)
About Me: What is Me??? (I'll tell you) I Love Music everything else that people try to get me to do are just not me. Music is the only thing that speaks to me. I make my own songs, I play the guitar (ONLY The acoustic one) I'm very random. More later!!! xoxoxo

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