MUSICforlife from WoNDer LaND :) when words fail music speaks♫ ♪ 

Member since Oct 28, 2011
I'm a big fan of PENGUINS,ariana grande,avril lavgine,ONE DIRECTION,making poeple smiLE and laugh,LOVE,smiling,friends,god, family.hellokitty vollyball!,FOOD, laughing. goofing off,dancing,PaNDaS, sleeping,Louis tomlinson, singing, SUpermAn
I wanna voleenter in the red cross, go to wOnDErlANd, meet one direction! ,go to hawaii and so much more places,become a singer or designer!♫ be the happest person in the world go to L.A, FLy and Ariana grande, help kids in need
Music: rihanna, Bruno mars,Lmfao,Usher,Taio cruz,black eyed peas,kelly rowland,nicki manj,adle,david getta,selena gomez,avril lavgine,taylor swift,drake,ariana grande,lizgillies,lady gaga,christina perri,christina aguluiar,christina greme,paramore,one direction,
Movies: the lorax,white chicks!, desicble me, harry potter movies, spongebob movie, good luck charlie, victorius, wizards of waverly place, tranformers,rio, 13 going to 30, wizards of waverly place movie any comedy movie or action movies! :D♫ ♪
About Me: i love PeNgUINs!music makes my heart bEaT♪i LOVE muSIc as you can tell! i also beileve everyone should love the way they are! im not SHorT! im FUn size!:D i love to have fun! and laugh i love my family!:) My BriThDaY is on MaY 5th!
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