MammashKravesxz from MahHomee:) Statusz:I listen to my music too loud to try to avoid the hole in my heart from yu but it never fails for yu to overcome the loud & the music #bomb'back "(

Member since Aug 17, 2011
I'm a big fan of SnapBacksz(An Obbession),Vanzz,Converses(EraDay),Shufflinqqq(OhYee:)),Respect;)
I wanna if yuhh wunnauh hack thu paqe just tell mehh(:
Movies: True friends are the people who are there for you unconditionally. They are the people who never question you and support you no matter what the circumstances are. They are the people worth living for... In the end we always return to the people that whe
About Me: Knownn As Mamah' Kravesz.♥ Imma Sweetheartt!!< | 3 Bigg Hairrr && MakeeUphhhh <3 Respect- Youh Givee Itt, Youh Get It! My Obbssesion: Hello Kitty♥ Catchhh Me Wit My Mainz(x iSingleeeeeeeeeeeeeee<||3 Gimme Ahhh 4lokoo And I'll Love Youh Foreverr(;
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