MizzHanz228 from England, if thatts any of your beezgutts (Lol.) 

Member since Jun 12, 2010
I'm a big fan of Musiccc, pandas, Kyile F (Boyfriend) x x x, Ballett, Dorkks, Super Clubbs... One moore thing, NOTHING ELSE.
I wanna Hug a panda, bee a interior designor, have a million! Yeah and iff yhaa wanna tell me how the heekk you putt up your designs, maill mee. Or I will live to suckk yourr blood. Oh and allsoo talkiin' about thatt, I wanna be a Vampire and Livee with x..Edwa
Music: Tayylor Swiftt and Ke$ha aree seriously rockkin' myy socks. Buut if yhaa don't like themm you needd a docctor...
Movies: Yhaa Luuv Twilightt... Edward Cullen... xoxo Alsoo I like Titanicc although ittzz ratheer depresing
About Me: Some peoplez would call me wierdd.. If yhaa called mii wierd now I'd shoot youu onlyy kiddin' but nobodys perfectt.. I hate peeopel with nothingg whats - so - everr. B.T.W;; Super Clubzz is a learning commonity were you cann make friendzz and a homeepage
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