ModifyMyBones from A city 

Member since Jul 11, 2012
I'm a big fan of Music. Guitars. Drums. Sleep. Tv. My room. Privacy. Teen Wolf. Awkward. Spongebob.
I wanna wake up one day and find myself in a world thats completely opposite to ours.
Music: Suicide Silence. Dance Gavin Dance. MayDay Parade. Of mice and men. Sleeping with sirens. AttackAttack! Alesana. Asking Alexandria. Memphis May fire. For All Those Sleeping. The Black Dahlia Murder. Anti Flag. A lot of other bands
Movies: Up. The Ring. Step up 3. The Amazing Spiderman. Finding Nemo. Boy In the stripped pajamas. Saving Private Ryan. The Green Mile. Edward Sissorhands.
About Me: I'm Jessica, or Jessie. I'm very weird once you get to know me. Aha. I'm 15 almost 16, next year. I can be your bestfriend or your enemy. I'm very picky towards who I talk to. I guess you can say, I'm pretty easy to talk to. Add? Message? (:
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