MonoChromeHearts from Glasgow| mood: content

Member since Apr 21, 2013
I'm a big fan of music, piercings, tattoos, drawing, animals, photography, scifi, fantasy, coffee and monster| Allison frickin love ya too girl|Drake r.i.p. 4/27|13 "Resurgam"| Lily im so so sorry
Music: "Good morning sunshine,I hope that you're well Honey I missed you,Last night when night fell You should know, sunshine,You brighten my day The world gets so dark, love,When you go away" Good Morning Sunshine, Alex Day
About Me: hey its Hiro.not my name (its Anders) but thats what youre gonna call me. pansexual and panromantic. if we become friends dont try to ignore me i wont give up on you at all. im a stubborn bitch
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