NeonChick from << Marilyn Monroe inspires me! My role model right there! ANimE FreAK:) Shoopa Woo is my favorite word!!! Shoopa Woo Dop Doo xD Insiders are so funny -Ashes luvs yew. . . 

Member since Nov 02, 2011
I'm a big fan of TylerTheCreator, LessThanJake, Owl City, Daft Punk, many others as such:)
I wanna Own a diner when im older;D and travel To Venis,Italy :) Im getting my hair died black with pink fluckinng bangs soon!! And begging mah dad for belly button peirce and snake bites;) And be a professional artist (right now I draw just anime and chibi stuff
Music: Basically anything besides country but really big into upbeat ska, dubstep, techno, blah blah blah Murry Chersstmuuss!!
Movies: Scary. Movies!! :P Fearnet.com ^^
About Me: Ohh*sigh* where do I start;) IDK get to know me I just like ranting on here xD I should warn you though Im Bi so be careful xD HA! No jk I wont make a move Lmfsao.Ikk I seem weird but I promise I cann be normal and nice xD