NiallsPrincess from the world will never know O.o

Member since Nov 04, 2012
I'm a big fan of One Direction<3 Cher Lloyd, Ed Sheeran, Miley Cirus, Josh Hutcherson, Jennifer Lawrence, The Hunger Games, *bracelets*, converses, the rainbow, fashion(: um I also like food, sleep, and meh friends ^-^ and youtube.
I wanna MEET ONE DIRECTION AND MARRY NIALL HORAN. Uhh I also wanna learn how to cook noodles because they are just perf okay. I wanna move to England because thats where One Direction lives.
Music: Both of One Directions albums, Ed Sheerans album, and a bunchh of other songs xD
Movies: The Hunger Games, The Madea movies, and erm- yeah so books are better :l
About Me: HELLUR. Mai names Ariel. Liek Ariel the Mermaid :3 Ya so im 14 and I stalk One Direction..k peace *le insert peace sign*
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