Nomnom1121Eimoe from Northkingstown

Member since Oct 17, 2012
I'm a big fan of Drawing, reading, writing, computer, amnesia, slender, sims 3, spore, gimp 2, bamboo dock animator, and ect. I also love the woods and going for walks anywhere but cities.
I wanna I want to meet Kurt Hummel before i die. I NEED to skydive. I want to be a writer and design houses and buildings.
Music: Rock and rock (Queen, 12 pointed stones, Threedays grace, Red, ect.) Piano (Sparrow, orisinal musdic) Calm (Gary Jules, Christina Perri, Simple plan,Moldy Peaches, ect.) Ect.
Movies: I am Legend, The Crazies, Dont be afraid of the dark, Bolt, Nemo x3, White Fang, All Twilight movies, Cyber Bully.
About Me: Who needs to to know! :D but im crazy, calm, dark dressed. I'm white - russian+french+canadian+german x3 I have long dark brown hair and brown eyes. Glasses but i dont wear them.
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