OLLIE123 from Youngstown Ohio

Member since Mar 09, 2013
I'm a big fan of AUSTIN MAHONE I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHH! My bday is tuesdsy march 26:)
I wanna Meet Taylor Lautner I love him so much he has a nice body and Austin Mahone even though he's not a big hit yet
Music: ,nicki minaj,lil wayne,big sean,2 chainz and alot of other people.austin mahone.you know the Justin bieber baby song well Taylor Lautner singing baby but changing the words it is so funny you should watch it on YouTube.
Movies: i will watch any kind of movies but my favorite movie is a cinderella story but there are about three cinderella story's but thats about it!
About Me: I AM A BIG FAN OF taylor lautner also i am a great friend.