OtakuRocker3 from Rochester, New York 

Member since Jul 18, 2012
I'm a big fan of My chemical Romance, Panic At The Disco. Vocaloid anything. Soul eater chobits 11 eyes K-on pocky minecraft EVANESCENCE!!! Adventure time nendoroids figma tim burton punk/rock anime pics shukaan no hajimete miku
I wanna Be a professional anime artist. And/or play guitar in a band.Be chuck Norris cuz he kicked a horse in the mouth and it's decendents are known as giraffes.
Music: I like rock and techno club mixes and stuff like that.(skrillex, nicki minaj's starships etc...)an all vocaloid and nico nico stuff I've heard
Movies: Anything Tim Burton! Kung fu panda!(hyaa!) o'.'o
About Me: I'm Alyson and I'm 12.I started learning guitar a while ago and I,with no doubt,love anime.I hate writing so I'm going to sound weird when I talk to you.I'm the oldest of four,with two parents,1 gerbil :c,and my samoyed dog.I am a good artist and Tomboy.
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