Oxygen from The holy Land ♥, Saudi Arabia

Member since May 14, 2009
I'm a big fan of #1 my God & his messenger ♥ my mom ♥ myself ♥ Miley Cyrus, Ke$ha, Jesse McCartney, Tayloer Swift, the virgin band, SHINee, Amber liu ♥ & rater xP ♥
I wanna get my own guitar, my own laptop =(. that's all wt I want right now =D. bt n the future I wanna b a businesswomen or a detective =)
Music: Miley's songz, Justin bieber's songz, Massari's songz, Jesse's songz, Ke$ha's songz, korean songz, the gift of a friend, make a wave, stronger, n toooooo much.... =D.
Movies: comedy, music, horror, action, vampires....
About Me: My names R nOora, Norina, Aiko (my Japaness name xP). 15Y.O peaceful, lil bit crazy xD. smiley always =). I ♥ helpin ppl & make them happy (there's nthin lyk seein ur frnz happy). I h8 wars >,< (when they can realize tht our world's beautiful w/out wars