PinkGiraffe from New York City! It is REALLY easy to get lost there ;) I used to live in California but when i was 6 i moved to New York cause a

Member since Dec 29, 2010
I'm a big fan of Josh Hutcherson<3 Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, THE HUNGER GAMES! Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Wacka Flacka Fameee :)) Demi Lovato,Selena Gomez, One Direction, anime, singing, converse, polos, partying ;) FOOD! laughing(HAR HAR HAR)
I wanna marry Josh Hutcherson<3 learn to cook without burning da house down! be popular on this website, learn to drive, be a fashion designer when i get older(i LOVE fashion!)
Music: ANYTHING! rap, country, pop, rock, i will listen to anything!
Movies: i honestly think that books are SO much better than movies. Like the Hunger Games, the movie was great, but the book was alot better and was much more detailed.
About Me: Hola! Meh names Abigail and im 12! Im a christian, so dont swear! I am in LOVEEE with Josh Hutcherson<3 He is amazing. I also love the Hunger Games :) Well...thats about it. If u want to know what i look like, just ask. I dont bite ;) Have a magical day!
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