

PuPpIlUvR32 from planet style where barbies can die and bratz can rock on and i am in the house, under your bed eating your socks ::)
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Member since Aug 14, 2010
I'm a big fan of miley cyrus, swimming, singin, and other stuff like, soccer, and being pretty :), converse, skinny jeans, bacon, myself, lol, my friendies, wedys, mcdonaldz (LOL), exppensive things like VaNs On ThE WaLl AnD i ThInK I LiKe My Ha!r ToO and i like modeli
I wanna be a singer, a vet and a model (lol), do a song with justin beiber and jessica jarrel and swim with dolphins and go to venis, italy. :) and dance til' i blow upppp ::0 AnD gEt A NeW BeSt FrIeNd :)))))
Music: punk rock, rock, pop, and classic rock. ARTISTS- ke$ha, miley cyrus, jessica jarrel, justin beiber, david archuletta, myself (lol), and my ihome :) and planet style rock!!! Ya It GoEs LiKe ThIs : puppy puppy PUPPPPPYYYYYY xDDDDD haha bored. ::0 PrimaJ ::)
Movies: horror, comedy, thriller: The Perfect Getaway, its complicated, coraline, and other stufffff
About Me: YoU hAtE cUz Im A rOcKsTaR a RoCkStAr A PrEttY LiTtLe Pop GLaM Uh HUH Im EvEryThing That Chu EvA WAnTed TO bE AnD ThaT Im Lyin Cuz I Luv It Wen u LookIn At Meh Cuz Im A ROCKstar you LoOkiN At MEH

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