

ROCKchickwOOOOOO from Engalnd, coast lovee it (Hastings)
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Member since May 02, 2010
I'm a big fan of JUSTIN BIEBER! ahhhhh & ROBERT PATTISON DREAMY also i so likeeeee JLS really really really dreamy im a big fan of the saturdays their music is kool and i REALLY DONT LIKE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL BUT KK IF U LIKE IT
I wanna become a singer osr dancer< actor or lokk after animals that are in danger ecpecially dolphins they are so cute!!!!!!!
Music: POP( lil chris & justin bieber, dizze rascal dirty cash, beautifull girl, watcha say, down, replay, lovegame, angels, candy girl, mika, lady gaga.) etc etc
Movies: confessions of a shopaholic, avatar, bride wars, click, 50 1st dates, fern gully, wild child.
About Me: im nearlly 12 years old and in seconadary i have brillaint friends i love to dance. act, draw, shop, sing, go on sacry rides, pamper my friends, dess up, play the guitar, cheerlead, ride my bike, go on msn, collect gem stones, go to the cinema, read IM F

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