RainbowMuffins from Candyland!

Member since Dec 19, 2012
I'm a big fan of Jeffree Star, BOTDF, BVB, Marilyn Manson, RuPaul, techno, dubstep, screamo, and more than this.
I wanna start my own band, get back in touch with my best friend Kira, get my guitar signed by all of my favorite bands, meet jeffree star and botdf, party with jeffree star and botdf, and you don't wanna know the rest.
Music: BOTDF, Jeffree Star, BVB, RuPaul, Tune Up!, I Am X-ray, Disturbed, Rob Zombie, Metallica, Marilyn Manson, Scotty Vanity, and a crap-ton of others.
Movies: Nightmare Before Christmas, Underworld (all of them), Sucker Punch, Zombieland, Burlesque (Did I spell that right???), School Of Rock, Avatar (not the airbender one), Legends of the Guardians, Men In Black (all of them), and alot more.
About Me: I'm Bi, so if you're homophobic and/or a hater, GTFO before I go Jeffree-Star-kick-your-ass-bitch-mode on ya. Honestly you really gotta talk to me if ya want to know me. Btw I hate 1D and * BEIBER FEVER I GOT VANITY INSANITY!!!!
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